The Constructive Liberty Podcast - Is Your Life FULFILLING??

2 years ago

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” ― Friedrich NietzscheMy wife wife thinks I'm practically perfect, except when I accidentally combine "needle" and "knotter" into knoddle. All these baler parts got me confused.
Speaking of baling, that how we spent our Memorial Day weekend, in the field baling hay.
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Main topic: Is your life FULFILLING!

Pursuing a Fulfilling Life

The most familiar path to you is the one that many people will stay on. Doing what you know -even if it doesn’t feel like your life fits - is often preferable to some people than making changes, even if it could mean a better life.
Contentment in life comes from embracing who you are and what it is that gives you happiness. Sadly, there are scores of people who don’t make changes because they’re afraid it might be uncomfortable or hard.

HaveYou Chosen the Wrong Path?

The path that a person is on in life often gets put in place when they’re still in high school. At eighteen years old and younger, people are making big decisions that are going to impact their futures.
Sometimes these choices bring happiness - but often, they end up leaving the person feeling unfulfilled. Some people are older when they decide on a career course and they stick to it year after year - some for as long as multiple decades.
They know after a few years that it’s not where they want to be. But they stick to it for several reasons. Sometimes they don’t make any life changes even if they’re unhappy because the path is familiar.
Other times, it’s because they put a lot of effort and money into the education to reach where they are. No one wants to feel like they’ve wasted thousands upon thousands of dollars or year after year of their time.
No one wants to feel like their investment was all for nothing. So they stick it out because leaving it behind would feel like a waste. That’s backward thinking. Staying on the wrong path is a waste.
Doing that makes it all for nothing. Because you only have one life and you can spend it going after what truly gives you pleasure or staying on what’s familiar for no good reason other than it’s what you know.
It’s time to look yourself in the mirror and face the reality you’ve been trying to avoid. The life that you have is not the one that you want. This takes honesty and courage, but once you admit that truth to yourself, you’ll be amazed at how much lighter you’ll feel.
There are symptoms that will show up when you’ve chosen the wrong path in life. The first symptoms that usually appear are physical or emotional. You can start to have body aches or feel sick whenever you have to go to work or do something associated with your career.
You know that you don’t even want to go to work. Some people start to experience feelings of depression or anxiety. Another sign is that your work performance slacks off.
You find that doing a good job just doesn’t matter anymore. This happens because your heart isn’t in it. You can’t be enthusiastic about something that doesn’t give you pleasure.
Finally, you feel a longing in your heart toward something that you want to do that does give you pleasure. Sometimes this can be the thing that you like to do in your spare time or it can be something that you’ve always longed to do but for whatever reason, didn’t. It’s time to make a change if that sounds like you.

ChangingCourse Requires Unearthing Your Courage

Even just imagining changing their lives can be so scary to some people that they just refuse to even consider it. They settle for what they have rather than what they truly want.
The basic reason most people give when it comes to not changing
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