2000 Mules REVIEW and Discussion - Friends of Zeus Podcast #69

2 years ago

We review the new documentary "2000 MULES" by TrueTheVote.ORG and Dinesh D'Souza surrounding possible election fraud in the 2020 Presidential vote. We go over Geo tracking cell phone data, non-profit stash houses, ballot harvesting, drop boxes, security and surveillance camera video, Stacey Abrams saying the 2018 Georgia governor race was stolen, Biden, Trump, Clinton, was there Russian Collusion in the 2016 election, Party Politics, and more. We not only give our feedback on the movie but also weigh in on whether we think the last election was stolen or not.
Contact us: foz@friendsofzeuspodcast.com
If you would like to be a guest on the show or have feedback, please email us.

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