Vladivostok - Weapons system firing test

2 years ago

At 55:23 - 58:02
Weapons system firing test

At 01:13:32 - 01:16:00
An example of an oblong shaped floating dock that is not being covered up and being used for its intended purpose. If you have been wondering what the blue and oddly coloured oblong shapes that I can see dotted all over Shanghai and places like Dalian are then I think that I can hazard a guess for you.

At 00:01:50
Nice camouflage, why is it hanging over the edge of the dock. what is the stern mooring line attached to. I can see the shadow being cast by the aft con tower but where is the rest of it. why is the shadow being cast along the side of the vessel even. Why isn't the shadow to the fore along the side the vessel even. Why do fore and aft need to be camouflaged.

At 00:05:24
I can see the edge of the aft con tower sticking out. Why is the dock going out from that casting a shadow on the dock below.

At 00:12:06
Where is the bow mooring line. What is the stern mooring line attached to. Why does the shadow along the side of the vessel not correspond with the shape of the vessel. why does the shadow end before the vessel does. Why does the corner edge overlap the dock but casts no shadow, why is the dock going out from that casting a shadow on the dock below.

At 00:38:31
I liked the aeroplane. I used to draw ones like those when I was a kid. I can see the shape of the fore con tower but where is the rest of it. are those things casting a shadow behind it made of paper Mache. Nice. I am impressed.



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