UNREAL TRIPLE & DOUBLE TONGUE 1:43 Vivaldi's Spring Mvt 1 Allegro "La Primavera". Play Along!

2 years ago

Happy Wednesday BrassNation. We have an unbelievable display of technique and musicianship in this Brass Sextet with Keyboard arrangement of Antonio Vivaldi's "La Primavera (Spring)" Mvt. I: Allegro "Giunt' è la Primavera e festosetti" (Springtime is upon us) made for you by Drew Fennell and recorded by our talented musicians. This arrangement comes with transposing parts in every practical key and clef (Full List Below). SHEET MUSIC & BACKING TRACKS Available for DOWNLOAD at https://www.matonizz.com/product/la-primavera-mvt-i-sextet/

Visit www.dfmusicinc.com for 10% discount with promo code "Fennell"


Drew Fennell (Principal Flugelhorn at RCB & RCYBB Conductor)
Online Lessons: drflessons@gmail.com
Instruments Used:
Bb Trumpet:
Bb Flugelhorn:
Bb Cornet:
Eb Cornet:
Bb/A Rotary Piccolo Trumpet:
Bb/A Piston Piccolo Trumpet:

Ross Cohen (1st Baritone at RCB)
Instrument Used:
Brian Kelley (Tuba at RCB)

Online Lessons: briankelleytuba@gmail.com
Instrument Used:

Dmitry Babkin (Sound Engineer)

Included parts:

1. Trumpet in Eb, C, or Bb (opt. Cornet) or Piccolo Trumpet in Bb
2. Trumpet in Eb, C, or Bb (opt. Cornet) or Piccolo Trumpet in Bb
3. Trumpet in Eb, C, or B b (opt. Cornet)/Flugelhorn in Bb (opt. Cornet/Trumpet), or Piccolo Trumpet in Bb/Flugelhorn in Bb
4. Flugelhorn in C or Bb (opt. Cornet/Trumpet)
5. Baritone T.C. or B.C. (opt. Euphonium)
6. Tuba (B.C.) or in Eb or Bb
7. Keyboard

Performance Notes:
Vivaldi wrote his group of violin concerti, “The Four Seasons,” between 1718 and 1720. They were inspired by the countryside of Mantua, where Vivaldi was serving as court chapel master. There are sonnets (many believe to be written by Vivaldi himself) which correspond to each of the movements, and so the piece is considered an example of program music. Below is the sonnet which corresponds to this movement from the larger work.

Original Italian:

Giunt' è la Primavera e festosetti
La Salutan gl' Augei con lieto canto, E i fonti allo Spirar de' Zeffiretti
Con dolce mormorio Scorrono intanto: Vengon' coprendo l' aer di nero amanto E Lampi, e tuoni ad annuntiarla eletti Indi tacendo questi, gl' Augelletti; Tornan' di nuovo al lor canoro incanto.

English Translation:

Springtime is upon us.
The birds celebrate her return with festive song,
and murmuring streams are
softly caressed by the breezes.
Thunderstorms, those heralds of Spring, roar, casting their dark mantle over heaven,
Then they die away to silence,
and the birds take up their charming songs once more.

The performers should endeavor to maintain a lightness in the playing. Staccatos will work best if not too pronounced, but rather have shape and some decay. The goal is to imitate, inasmuch as is possible, the sound and style of string instruments. Ornamentation can be a very complicated subject, but pertinent to the trills, two simple guidelines are a good starting place: 1) begin trills on the upper neighbor, and 2) for a fully executed trill, a turn is added to the end of the trill. The latter is not required but is preferred at cadential points. Otherwise, the player may land on the principal note of the trilled sequence before proceeding to the cadence.
Parts 1 through 3 are analogous at points to the solo violin parts in the original, and as such should be
executed with a very light sound. These instruments, ideally, should be matched. E-flat or piccolo trumpets are preferred (though part 3 requires a switch to a flugelhorn for a portion of the piece (or cornet/trumpet, if flugelhorn is not available). Parts 1 and 2 have some unisons to allow for some rest to be organized. Parts 3 and 4 are autonomous. The keyboard would ideally be harpsichord, but also may be piano, or organ.

#vivaldi #spring #brass


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0:00 - La Primavera Mvt.I Allegro (Brass Sextet with Keyboard)
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5:41 - Thank You

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