Chechen President Meets With The Head Of Russia's Kickboxing Federation Batu Khasikov

2 years ago

Translation Followed By Original Text!

In Grozny, in the Volleyball Palace named after Uvais Akhtaev, the K1 K1 Kickboxing Championship and Championship of Russia ended.

The competitions were timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chechen Republic.

The Head of the Republic of Kalmykia, President of the Russian Kickboxing Federation Batu Khasikov visited the event as a guest of honor.

During our meeting, Batu Sergeevich noted the high organization of sports competitions and the readiness of Chechen kickboxers.

Our guys showed excellent results, speaking in six final fights.

Batu Sergeevich also shared his impressions of visiting the Russian Special Forces University in Gudermes, where he was presented with all the tactical training programs.

We agreed in the future to organize high-quality cooperation and exchange of experience between our special forces.

At the same time, Batu Sergeevich thanked us for the special attention to the development of sports and, in particular, the kickboxing school.

He especially liked the approach to organizing sports events, which include elements of national culture, which gives them a special flavor.

I, in turn, expressed my gratitude to Bat Sergeevich for his visit to the republic.

We exchanged souvenirs with him.

I am sure that our further cooperation will help strengthen friendly, business and cultural relations between our peoples and contribute to the well-being of our common Motherland - Russia!

@Kadyrov_95 Follow Over At Telegram For More Up-To-Date Information!

Original Text

В Грозном, во Дворце волейбола имени Увайса Ахтаева, завершились Чемпионат и первенство России по кикбоксингу в разделе К1.

Соревнования были приурочены к 100-летию со дня образования Чеченской Республики.

В качестве почетного гостя мероприятие посетил Глава Республики Калмыкия, президент Федерации кикбоксинга России Бату Хасиков.

В ходе нашей встречи Бату Сергеевич отметил высокую организацию спортивных состязаний и подготовленность чеченских кикбоксеров.

Наши ребята продемонстрировали прекрасный результат, выступив в шести финальных поединках.

Бату Сергеевич также поделился своими впечатлениями от посещения Российского университета спецназа в Гудермесе, где ему были презентованы все программы тактической подготовки.

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