The Twin Assaults Of 5G & Geoengineering: "Frankenskies" Creator, Matt Landman

2 years ago

The Twin Assaults Of 5G & Geoengineering: "Frankenskies" Creator, Matt Landman | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 2/21/21

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Matt Landman ( | | is a globally-known speaker, educator, activist and documentary creator. He has been a leader in the movement to raise public awareness of 5G and geoengineering as serious threats to humanity and all life on Earth. In his excellent documentary on geoengineering, "Frankenskies" ( Matt makes it obvious for everyone to see that the extent of the problem of aerial toxic spraying for weather modification, solar dimming and global poisoning is at a point where it is urgent that it be addressed.

One thing I appreciate about Matt's presentation on geoengineering is that he seems not to have been pulled into the ongoing fight between those believing in global warming and those who warn instead of global cooling. This debate has wasted a lot of energy for many years, and polarized anti-geoengineering groups into warring factions, when they could have better directed their efforts at simply getting the spraying stopped. Many members of the two opposing camps seemed not to realize that whatever the outcome of the warming/cooling debate may eventually be, the objective remains the same: stop the spraying.

There is no question that the spraying is disrupting normal weather patterns. There is also no question that our rulers want us all terrified of Global Warming, which they can then use to justify geoengineering to cool the planet, saving us from nature's mistake of heating the globe to unlivable levels. But whether there is a real danger of global warming or not, the urgency to stop geoengineering remains unchanged, as it is proceeding with poisoning the entire biosphere, hardly a viable solution to any perceived climate issue, if one really exists, which would be near impossible to determine anyway while the spraying continues.

Likewise with the issue of 5G and other wireless radiation. We are told that demand for ever more bandwidth makes these technologies essential. This argument is as ridiculous as saying geoengineering is needed to combat global warming. Industries including telecommunications, wireless devices of all kinds, global surveillance and much more, have been built upon a foundation of frequencies chosen for their destructive effects on many life forms, including humans. None of it is necessary, except to those whose intent is destruction. Life-friendly alternatives are available. Matt Landman is one of the leading voices trying to wake people up to the urgency of these issues and the potential solutions. Come meet him and hear our discussion this Sunday.

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Richard Sacks, Host

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