American Christian Principles of Government—Part 1: Individuality - Episode 39

2 years ago

Today begins a 7-part series leading up to our national holy day of independence from British rule and tyranny. This series of teachings is dedicated to two of my foremost teachers in America’s Christian history and government: the late James B. Rose and Katherine Dang.

Have you ever been told that America is not exceptional? That America is just like any other nation?

If you have or believe this yourself—it is a lie.

The unique identity of America has been lost for generations. As a result, our families are under attack and are suffering simply because what is innate to the created order is you being yourself and being protected in that right, which is delegated to you by our unseen King Jesus Christ.

Is the individual primary in society or the group? Learn the contrast between the Christian idea of man and the pagan idea of man, which has major implication on how you live life on the King’s land today.

Understanding the governing principle of individuality will open your eyes to see whether you are truly living free or as a slave.

You won’t want to miss Episode 39 of this podcast ministry if you desire to be faithful to what the Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished in America unlike any other nation on the earth. That’s a bold statement, and one that is backed up with much evidence in the two volumes of law: the laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God.

Are you concerned about socialism taking over and destroying our country? The victory answer is the topic of this episode.

Get ready to have your world rocked and shaken out of the fallen, natural, debased mind of men, designing life for you in opposition to the glorious design work of the all-powerful King Eternal.

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