⚜️⚜️⚜️ Vehicle Mounted Gear⚜️⚜️⚜️

2 years ago

Your second line gear is where you store extra equipment both medically and tactically. This is where we keep the "have your stuff for the worst days" of protecting we can imagine. Our EDC or everyday carry gear and pocket items or designed to help us get through the initial event but every protector should have a second-line gear to include medical equipment primarily and possibly even some body armor and a force multiplier with them as often as possible. I remember when people used to make fun of Protectors for carrying armor and a rifle around just in case there was an active shooter nearby but after the events with the SAS gentleman in South Africa and the off-duty border patrol agent who was getting a haircut during the last active shooter in Texas… I think maybe people are starting to get the point. Be as prepared as you can everywhere you can for as many things as possible.
As a pertains to professional protectors, very often we work in different types of venues and when it comes to rifle storage, access, and the storage of other equipment items… I’ve been very impressed with this product from Greyman. I can reach my equipment from the front of the vehicle and unlock that equipment so I can implement it tactically. I’ve got mass casualty equipment with me everywhere I go, reloads, and can literally put anything else I want on this set up at any point in time. It’s easy to install and definitely is a game-changer/force multiplier for the protector when it comes to second-line gear.
Give these guys a serious look, they are pretty much dominating their space in the industry and they have many different solutions for the professional and civilian protectors.
Check out their website here Grey Man Tactical
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