'Police Shouldn't Be In Schools!' - Chris Murphy

2 years ago

A group of left-wing political opportunists which included Senator Chris Murphy (D) Senator Elizabeth Warren (D), Representatives Ayana Presley (D) and Ilhan Omar (D) introduced the “Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act” in 2020. The purpose of the bill was to, “divert federal funding away from supporting the presence of police in schools and toward evidence-based and trauma-informed services that address the needs of marginalized students and improve academic outcomes, and for other purposes.”

According to Forbes, Senator Murphy said in a statement, “Police shouldn’t be in schools.”

He also said, “There are plenty of better ways to ensure that our schools are safe places to learn, and Congress needs to understand how police in schools ends up with the wrong kids getting arrested for minor disciplinary actions and resources being drained from more effective programs.”

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