3DS Max to Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

4 years ago

#3DSMax #NeverwinterNights #EnhancedEdition

In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to create a custom model/asset in 3DS Max, make sure it is to scale, what the scale units are, how to properly texture the model/asset, how to setup .MTR files and your .MDL file to utilize the new material renderer within NWN:EE, as well as how to edit the Placeables.2DA file o your model/asset shows up in the Aurora Tool Set. I will also explain what an AuroraBase is and why it is needed for your model/asset to be used in the Toolset, and how to export your model/asset into .MDL file format so that the Toolset and NWN:EE Game Engine will recognize the filetype.

Another part of this tutorial of which I was not able to remember during recording, but is pretty important, is that to set the export destination on your computer, you have to go under the "NWMax+" Plugin, under "Preferences", and there you should see a menu box that says "Export Path", here is were you will select the destination or folder you wish to export your NWN Model files, be it a emitter, placeable, character, animation, .MDL, etc.

Tip: Remember, make sure that the folder does not already contain files with the same file names or files as what your about to export, otherwise they will fail to export. For some reason, it will not overwrite a previously same named file and extension, so you will have to move those and back them up, before you can export. Also, I would find out how to uncheck "Sanity Check" before export, because unless your model/asset meets certain requirements of this check, it will fail to export, but you can bypass this simply by unchecking a menu option that forces the export to do this check first. I will update how to do this once I figure this out, right here in this description.

Here are the links to both Plugins/Tools you will need for everything NWN export and creation related:

VelTools: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/other/tool/veltools

NWMax+: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/other/tool/nwmax-or-nwgmax-plus-61128-last-version

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