Heart Disease Mortality Is Increasing, Driven Diet - Kim Williams, MD

2 years ago

Heart Disease Mortality Is Increasing, Driven Diet - Kim Williams, MD

Kim Williams, M.D.

• https://doctors.rush.edu/details/1728/kim-williams-sr-cardiovascular_disease-chicago-oak_park
• Past President of the American College of Cardiology

Kim Allan Williams Sr. (born 1955) is an American cardiologist. He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology and served as its president from 2015 to 2016. He is currently a trustee of the organization. He has board certifications in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, nuclear medicine, nuclear cardiology, and cardiovascular computed tomography. He has served on the faculty of the Pritzker School of Medicine, the Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan, and since 2013 at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, where he is the head of the cardiology department

Williams has served as president of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, chairman of the Coalition of Cardiovascular Organizations, and chairman of the board of the Association of Black Cardiologists, among other positions.

#KimWilliams #TheRealTruthAboutHealth #WholeFood #Vegan #Vegetarian #PlantBasedNutrition

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