Indications of the Moon in Astrology

4 years ago

In this video I discuss many indications of the Moon in your chart. Moon is the Queen, significator of mother, nurture you received at a young age, mental health, how you process your thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as the way you are in relationships. It rules Mondays, the emotional heart, fluid in the body, hormones and menstruation. A strong Moon means you are confident about showing your emotions without fear of being judged, you possess a natural way of dealing with waves of feelings that we each process daily. Knowing these are all passing and collecting what is healthy. Moon is feminine, exalted at 3 degrees Taurus and debilitated in the opposite sign 3 degrees of Scorpio, where emotions are kept within and not released or forgiven. Receives directional strength in the 4th house, which makes the Moon focused to achieve what she wants. It is friendly with the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury but enemy to no planet.
To strengthen the Moon in your chart you can use this mantra; “Om Nam Chandra Namaha”.
Moon is so important in Vedic astrology that even if you had the best chart but a weak Moon, you feel starved of life’s beauty. It is PARAMOUNT to look after your mind as it plays on you. You can always read your chart from the Moon. Wherever she resides in your chart, you find you want to pay attention to it as that is where you need to dig deep. Remember Moon/mind is fickle and when it becomes negative you can change it, you have the power to control the waves.
Due to many requests I am starting a Patreon page where you can learn about astrology in small bites at affordable price. I shall keep you posted.
I use Sidereal zodiac.
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