Ask the jurist - Episode 1 : LVU Corruption in Sweden

2 years ago

In this first subtitled episode of "Ask the Jurist" Johanna Carsbrant; a citizen-and human-rights activist, journalist & law student as well as a victim of discrimination by the municipality; sits down with jurist Johan Åström(00:37) and jurist Elisabeth Scheffer(36:21) to discuss cases where children are removed from their parents on hasty, arbitrary, illogical and unlawful grounds by the Swedish social services who claim that they're only following the paragraphs in the law chapter called "Lagen om vård av unga" (LVU). Only 3% of the childrens who are removed from their parents are later returned.

A hypothesis is discussed about how certain people within the government, municipality and social services might profit from connections with care-taker homes (Hem för vård och boende, in short "HVB hem") who gets delivered LVU-children(which are payed for through taxpayers' money).

The problem does not stop there, the Swedish Police and prosecutor's office seems resistant to investigating cases of corruption within the Swedish state and those related to LVU. It then becomes worse within the court system when there seems to be many judges who won't overturn the decisions of the Social Services even though the parents can show through evidence, law sources (both Swedish Law and articles in European Convention of Human Rights, Charter of the United Nations and the United Nation International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) and logical reasoning that the Social Services has performed illegal, biased, unethical and illogical investigations and reasoning behind their decision to remove the children and that the decision can't be regarded as grounded in the best interest of the child. Many judges seems to start out being partial to the Swedish state in the way that they presume that the social services have conducted a proper investigation before removing the child. This implants a confirmation bias within the judges which risks having them draw wrong inferences and uphold the LVU-decision.

They also discuss cases where LVU has been needed to be performed in the best interest of the child but that it has been neglected. The devastating results of neglect are discussed.

Elisabeth Scheffer also talks about her organization The Nordic Committee for Human Rights( which consists of caring lawyers, jurists and ex-judges working in the children's best interest. She will also share how the swedish government and top-politicians both physically and verbally tried to stop her and her colleagues from speaking about Swedish corruption(and how it hurts Swedish Children) in front of the EU parlament in Brussels. However, members of the European Parliament from other countries, especially Denmark, stepped in and called for Elisabeths and her colleagues voices to be heard.

Elisabeth will also talk about incidents within the School of Social Work, which trains future social workers, where students has shouted "death to the family" and endorsed actions shattering the family union.

Other than this Johanna and Johan will explain how parents can use certain legal paragraphs to lift the secrecy surrounding LVU-decisions.

Not all LVU-decisions are corrupt and harmful for the children, many actually improve the life of the child who gets to leave an abusive and neglectful environment and disturbed/drug-addicted parents. But if corruption is involved it can create severe life-long harm to the children and parents and therefore these hypothesis needs to be discussed so that those cases can be prevented.

Thanks for watching!

PS. We have several brave and honest jurists as well as law professors and former judges involved as advisors. Are you a jurist, media or a concerned citizen in some other profession who cares about human rights and wish to help us, to be interviewed or have cases and questions you want us to discuss in future program? Please contact me using the following email and let us educate and improve the world together episode by episode!

PSS. Please show understand that this program has just begun and it is not perfect, but it will become better episode by episode through feedback.

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