Casa-Baño/House - Bathroom-Learn +50 words in Argentinean Spanish with pronunciation and subtitles

3 years ago

This list includes the most common items found in a bathroom plus some related verbs.

Each word appears with a picture, with a pronunciation in IPA and spoken twice.
All pronunciations belong to the Spanish spoken in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Also you can find subtitles for several languages.

If you want subtitles in your language, or if we missed any translations, let us know in the comments. Also we want to know your ideas for new lessons.

Word Details

f: Feminine
m: Masculine
s: Singular
p: Plural

List of words / Listado de Palabras

00:21 baño: bathroom
00:25 bañera: bath,bathtub
00:29 ducha: shower
00:33 lavamanos: sink
00:37 inodoro: toilet
00:41 bidé: bidet
00:45 canilla: tap
00:49 desagüe: sink
00:53 cortina: curtain
00:57 jabón: soap
01:01 esponja: sponge
01:05 toalla: towel
01:09 alfombra: rug
01:13 tapete: rug
01:17 toalla de baño: bath towel
01:21 bata de baño: bathrobe
01:25 baño de burbujas: bubble bath
01:29 cepillo de dientes: toothbrush
01:33 cepillo dental eléctrico: electric toothbrush
01:37 crema dental: toothpaste
01:41 dentífrico: toothpaste
01:45 pasta de dientes: toothpaste
01:49 hilo dental: dental floss
01:53 colutorio: mouthwash
01:57 enjuague bucal: mouthwash
02:01 perfumar: to perfume
02:05 perfume: perfume
02:09 colonia: cologne
02:13 atomizador: atomizer
02:17 pulverizador: atomizer
02:21 asiento del inodoro: toilet seat
02:25 rollo de papel higiénico: toilet roll
02:29 espejo: mirror
02:33 tijeras: scissors
02:37 afeitar: shave
02:41 cuchilla: razor blade
02:45 navaja: razor
02:49 afeitadora: shaver
02:53 brocha de afeitar: shaving brush
02:57 jabón de afeitar: shaving soap
03:01 crema de afeitar: shaving cream
03:05 peine: comb
03:09 peinar: to comb
03:13 cepillo del pelo: hairbrush
03:17 aspirina: aspirin
03:21 lavarse: to wash up
03:25 enjabonar: to soap
03:29 bañarse: to shower
03:33 ducharse: to shower
03:37 lima de uñas: nail file
03:41 esmalte de uñas: nail polish
03:45 pintaúñas: nail polish
03:49 desinfectante: disinfectant
03:53 antiséptico: antiseptic
03:57 detergente: detergent
04:01 lavandina: bleach
04:05 escobilla de baño: toilet brush
04:09 cesto: hamper

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