DIY Snow Tire Chain | Emergency Tire Chain When Your in a Bind

4 years ago

Hey everyone in this video Ill show you How I made DIY snow tire chains. This is strictly for your viewing pleasure but if you do try this Please be aware this is only and emergency tire chain for when you are in a bind. We don't usually get much snow here in Oklahoma so this week with the cold weather and snow we have been having a lot of us were caught off guard and unfortunately I couldn't find any chains made for this. However My neighborhood is covered in about 6-8 inches of snow and full of hills and it was nearly impossible to get out of the neighborhood. So after about 3 hours of digging myself out I was finally able to make it to the main street which was cleared and I was able to run around looking for snow chains which I could not find anywhere. Which led to me stopping at home depot to see what I could try and make myself to help me . This is a quick trick for limited driving I am only using this to get in and out of my neighborhood which is covered in ice and snow. After putting these on my tires I was able to maneuver through my neighborhood without getting stuck. Hopefully by this weekend I can put these away and go back to normal lol.

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