GURPS Game Aid v0 8 14 & 15

4 years ago

Sorry, I didn't add a lot of visual editing... I ran out of time and really wanted to get our latest release done.
Users Guide:
Join the Discord server for updates:

- Added Explosion damage calculation to Damage Calculator
- either as a single damage roll applied multiple times to different targets, or right-click on the damage roll to be prompted for the number of rolls to generate
- Fixed a few issues with the Modifier Bucket, Targeted Chat messages, and others.
- pagerefs can be http links (and will show up as '\*Link')
- SHIFT-Apply keeps Damage Dialog open (to allow multiple RoF damage results)
- Removed hitlocation eqt tooltip (no longer valid)
- Allow multiple modifiers [+1 to hit & +2 lucky]
- Fixed actors not having the new calculated values (currentdodge, currentmove, equippedparry, equippedblock)
- Added Mook Generator defaults editor
- GCA export/import now handles parents for Ads/Disads/Spells and Skills
- Rewrite of damage parser, more uniform handling of multipliers/divisors, etc. support for const damage [1 cut]
- Don't tell anyone, but we now support any sided dice for non-targeted, non-derived damage rolls [3d4], [2d20 cut]
- Bug fix for 3D6 roll icon (at bottom of screen)
- Bug fix for costs, counts, weights that contain commas ","
- Bug fix for 17&18 always being a failure (even with very high skill)
- Updated GCA export to handle '&' in ad/disad/quirk/perk name
- Bug fix for drag and drop reordering in lists
- For GMs, display LastActor name above Modifier Bucket
- Allow full damage types, e.g. 'crush', 'cutting', etc.
- Bug fix for NPC bodyplan changes

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