Indications of Jupiter in astrology

3 years ago

In this video I discuss many indications of Jupiter in your chart. Jupiter is the wise one and the Guru. He is the significator of children, higher education, knowledge and wisdom. He brings happiness, optimism and blesses the houses he aspects or sits in. It is a masculine planet rules Thursdays, colour yellow, gem stone yellow sapphire or citrine. It rules the liver. It likes a sweet taste. A strong Jupiter means you are jovial, happy and wise. It creates opportunities. It rules all types of religion, spirituality, law, psychology, pilgrimage, culture, long distance travel and publishing. It is exalted at 5 degrees of Cancer and debilitated at 5 degrees in the opposite sign Capricorn where there are many rules, organisations and structure limiting the expansive nature of this planet. Jupiter in Capricorn is more about the material gains. Receives directional strength in the 1st house, which gives Jupiter exceptional focus and a happy go lucky nature. It is friendly with the Sun, Moon and Mars. Neutral towards Saturn and an enemy to Venus and Mercury.
To strengthen the Jupiter in your chart you can use this mantra; “Om Nam Guru Namaha”.
People with very strong Jupiter especially in Sagittarius can feel drained by the constant expansion and this never ending need for more, it can be more learning, preaching, travelling etc.
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I use Sidereal zodiac.
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