SMW - Lost Adventure - Episode 3 (SNES) - 2015

2 years ago

Hello retro gaming fans, Ryan McQuinn here!

Today we present episode 3 in the Super Mario World Lost Adventure series. In this episode Mario joins forces with mega Man, after a misunderstanding sees them battling one another, against Dr. Wily! It looks like the evil doctor
has joined forces with Bowser and Dr. Eggman! We also see our heroes join Locke against the evil madman Kefka from Final Fantasy 6. Mario must find 8 gems, one in each castle and rescue the princess! What could Bowser have in store for Mario this time?


Game Title 00:00:35
Mario's House 00:01:45
Yoshi's Winter Land 00:02:10
Real Tetris B 00:03:56
Winter Beach 00:05:35
The Harbor 00:07:53
Vacation Begins! 00:08:45
Ice Factory 00:11:00
The White Hills 00:13:42
The Great Ocean 00:16:08
Fire Temple (Castle 15) 00:18:24

Shy Guy Forest 00:21:18
The Windy Valley 00:24:04
Beach Island Run 00:26:13
Metal Factory 00:27:43
Ocean Surfing 00:31:03
Afternoon Sunset 00:32:14
Twilight Path 00:34:41
Eternal Night Land 00:37:30
Hidden Shadow Cave 00:40:34
Prankster's House 00:46:14
Creepy Skies 00:50:33
The Night Hills 00:54:45
Thorn Fortress 00:57:00
Haunted Lake 01:01:07
Cavern Of Terror 01:03:24
Insomniac City 01:05:51
Narshe Rooftops 01:09:02
Snake Factory 01:11:43
Castlevania 01:15:35
The Clock Tower 01:27:00

Road To Dawn 01:31:25
Pirate Invasion 01:33:59
Jungle Ride Act 1 01:36:38
Jungle Ride Act 2 01:40:15
Marble Fortress 01:44:27
Scary House 01:48:14
Jurassic Plains 1 01:50:42
Jurassic Plains 2 01:54:51
Jurassic Plains 3 01:57:37
Temple Of Time (Castle 16) 02:00:05

Red Rock Mountain 02:04:20
Fuzzy Territory 02:07:39
Mountain Metabuild 02:11:09
Quick Factory 02:13:25
Red Koopa Fortress 02:15:11
Ruby Lake 02:20:12
The Narrow Cave 02:23:53
Hidden Palace Zone 02:29:33
Earth Temple (Castle 17) 02:32:22

Smooth Sailing 02:38:19
Autumn Treeway 02:40:40
Cut Factory 02:46:32

Nwod Edispu Dlrow 02:49:30
Master Shell Demo 2 02:51:53
NES Era 3 02:58:13
The Legend Of Zelda 03:06:05
Zelda 2 03:08:29
SNES Era 3 03:12:28
A Link To The Past 03:21:11
Gotta Go Faster 03:23:13
Handheld Era 3 03:26:01
Power Of Teamwork 03:32:02
Link's Awakening 03:35:35
Pac-Maze 03:37:43
Spin-Off Era 03:43:42
The Minish Cap 03:49:33
Mega Man Stage 03:51:03
The Aquatic Ruins 03:55:48
The Haunted Ruins 03:59:31
Water Temple (Castle 18) 04:02:18

Underwater Search 04:10:00
Raging Tempest 04:14:06
Battleships Defense 04:16:26
Central Highway 04:22:33
Industrial Train 04:26:23
Spark Factory 04:29:07
Stealth Princess 04:33:12
Kefka's Tower 04:38:55
Metal Sonic Strikes 04:44:36
Poluted Seabed 04:48:26
Industrial Chaos 04:51:37
Wily's Mecha Dragon 04:54:42
Wily Castle (Castle 19) 04:57:03

Unexpected Events 05:04:35
Iceberg Up Ahead!!! 05:08:12
Hollow Castle (Castle 20) 05:11:18

The Lost Planet 05:14:45
Moon Cave 05:17:09
Starlight Metabuild 05:19:59
Temple Of Space (Castle 21) 05:21:54
The Lost Moon 05:25:07
Space Shooter 05:26:59
The End 05:28:57

#snes #romhack #smw #mario #nintendo #guide #walkthrough #tutorial #longplay

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