Joaquin Fernandez: Lies Taught in Schools Are Imploding the U.S. From Within

2 years ago

Truth & Lies in Education Film exposes the agenda to corrupt U.S. kids in their academic life

The Bill McIntosh Show sat down with film maker Joaquin Fernandez to discuss his work Truth & Lies in Education. Education indeed is where the problems lie in our country. That's where, we all know, the Marxists abound like countless roaches feasting on a morsel at night and who scurry about when the lights confront them. These louts, no doubt, take comfort in communist dictators utterances. Witness Soviet Premier, Nikita Khruschev, who reportedly stated, perhaps prophetically: "We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within". Does anyone doubt that the left wing teachers running American public schools don't relish the idea of America becoming an inept world loser given their overwhelming support of Joe Biden for president in 2020? 

How Khruschev's prediction could take place is clear by hearing documentarian Joaquin Fernandez, movie director of Great Commission Films discuss his latest creation Truth and Lies in American Education. The project was the fruit of his association with US PIE (U.S. Parents Involved in Education) and its President Sheri Few. Sheri is Executive Producer of this documentary that began when she gave her daughter-in-law April, a stack of books about what was really going on in American schools. As April read these books she was stunned and in her process of fact checking the books and sitting down with the authors she had an awakening about how completely subversive education has become in America. The film is about this awakening and her conversations with the authors of these books including Alex Newman, co-author with Samuel Blumenfeld of Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children, Mary Grabar author of Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America and actress Sam Sorbo who wrote They're Your Kids: An Inspirational Journey from Self-Doubter to Home School Advocate.

The interview dealt first with one of the most appalling effects of current education, namely the transgender ideology that is tearing society and families apart and is an obvious threat to children given the much repeated incidence of suicide or suicide attempts and self harm found among kids involved with the transgender scene that teachers are fomenting behind parents backs across America.

Well before this astonishing movement became active in American education we had the evil work preceding this outrage for decades. Alex Newman, one of the people interviewed in the film, is an expert on UNESCO which is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Most Americans are unaware that the United Nations exerts influence in the classroom. They are also unaware that the conspiracy to take down America was possibly best advanced thanks to the deleterious works and thinking of John Dewey. Dewey sought to undermine the capitalist system through ridding American education's focus on the development of literacy and independent intelligence in the American people. Newman & Blumenfeld's book from page one rips off the curtain on "education" today to expose the gradual demolition that has been unfolding for over a century.  In the introduction the authors are pitiless in attacking the scoundrels of the American public education establishment today by unloading on their indoctrinators. Hint it's spot on just like a JDAM demolishing a terrorist safe house: 

"Progressive utopians are criminals! They are genocidal psychopaths who have killed more human beings in the last one hundred years than any other ideologues in history... In the United States the socialist utopians adopted a new and unique method of conquering a nation: by dumbing down its' people, by destroying the brain power of  millions of its citizens" 

Besides home grown educational predators we also can thank the yeoman's work performed by those in our beloved Federal government. Joaquin Fernandez commented: 

"It's the Department of Education and in concert with the UN and UNESCO...They shouldn't be like that. But so a lot of these directives, and we have footage in the film of Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, at the time under President Obama, you know, at UNESCO and saying, you know, yeah, we're in this together, basically, we're just coordinating. So it's kind of like globalist. And so, here, you know, if you're going to adopt those, that criteria, then you can't, you can't really say, you know, definitely not America first, definitely not patriotic. This country was founded on Judeo Christian principles, or traditions and all, you know, all of that. And then when you come with CRT, critical race theory, all of that needs to be wiped out because it is all evil. These were all slave owners. I mean, what we see with the Supreme Court decision that was leaked, or draft or whatnot, for Roe v. Wade, I mean, the people are coming out, and the Liberals are coming out and saying, you know, it doesn't matter, these people, these people were white males, and they were racist back then. And so come on, it doesn't matter. So here we are, kind of imploding from within, which was always a communist plan for decades, you know, of destroying this country from from the inside, not from the outside,

One of the big tools that public schools have used to deconstruct the effect of the parents as the prime educators of our children and this is waged via attacking parentally instilled values. Joaquin explained:  

"And a lot of people when they saw it, they thought, wow, I knew they were bad...we went into this whole analysis of values clarification. ...Well, the term right values clarification, what do you think that means? It's to clarify the values of the child. Now, wait a minute, that's not your job. That's, you know, so you want to clarify, tweak the values of the child that they come with from home, like that's not your job, right. And so things like that we go into in depth in that film”

Another means of subverting youth is sexualization via explicitly graphic educational texts that are downright pornographic. The irony of ironies is that as parents began to hear what teachers were telling students during the Covid 19 Pandemic lockdowns and online learning, and seeing the filthy materials that teachers have been using and often of a perverted sexual nature and began confronting the school boards at parent teacher meetings they were publicly shut down because children might be listening on live streams of the contentious encounters! Joaquin continued:  

"But what was surprising to me was how explicit the sex ed stuff is, it is shocking. Shocking. I mean, it literally. I mean, if you go and if you can just Google or do a search online for parents at school board meetings, and about sexualization. It's [they will tell parents] you can't watch it with your kids, because there are parents who read the stuff that the kids have access to. And they get shut down in the meetings because it's inappropriate. And then that's the whole point. It's like, well, wait a minute. So it's inappropriate to talk about [this] here, but you can tell it to my kids. And so it is I was shocked. So brazen, when I saw that kind of stuff. And in the film, of course, we need to be careful and tasteful. I mean, we don't want to gross anybody out. But yeah, that was most surprising of all.”

As a solution for this filthy mis-education of kids, some follow the approach to pre college education that Joaquin and his wife took with their children and that actress Sam Sorbo advocates for-home schooling. Who can blame them? Home schooled kids are protected from corrosive teacher values and perform better on exams measuring proficiency in mathematics and reading comprehension according to the online publication “We have Kids” that quoted from a study carried out by the Home School Legal Defense Association titled The Homeschool Progress Report 2009.

Parents need to educate themselves about the sorry state of public education today and should get the film Truth and Lies in Education and organize a streaming in the neighborhood among friends, family and acquaintances by going to the website: or to

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