Ginsberg's #1 Piece of ADVICE for Social Security Disability Cases!

3 years ago

In my career in social security disability, I have received phone calls from potential clients who have scheduled hearings the VERY NEXT DAY and they now want to hire a lawyer last minute.

As I discuss in this video, I understand the temptation of appearing at a hearing before a social security disability judge WITHOUT a lawyer. But friend, that is a HUGE mistake on so many levels.

If there's ONE single piece of advice I can give all claimants like yourself it's this:
Do NOT go before the Social Security Disability Judge alone!!!
The odds of success are very small indeed.

If you haven't studied a social security disability hearing, or, if you don’t fully understand what you will be expected to do, say, or prove in court, you are likely to frustrate the judge with your disorder. And here's what we learn the first day of law school: DO NOT FRUSTRATE THE JUDGE!

My presentation of your case will be efficient, orderly, and well communicated. In a word, your case will be professional. And the judge likes this!

That's why client's WITH LAWYERS on their side win 300% more often than people who go it alone. 300%! And that's why I would rather get involved in a case the day BEFORE a hearing than the day AFTER one.

Most of the time, if I am hired at the last minute, I will ask the judge for a "reset" so I have time to study the record, and, more importantly, update the record to include all your pertinent documents. Usually judges are happy to grant a reset for a month or two down the road.

In the rare circumstance when a judge refuses to reset your hearing, I can usually get myself up to speed in one to two hours of intense preparation. That’s the benefit of almost 30 years’ of my experience in your favor.

I'll say it again: I would rather get involved in a case the day BEFORE a hearing than the day AFTER one. So if you find yourself looking at a looming court date and you are growing increasingly uncomfortable with the prospect of representing yourself, please contact me ASAP!

Do NOT go at this alone!


============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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