Denied for Social Security Disability? That's ok. Do THIS Immediately!

3 years ago

Should you be discouraged if Social Security denies your application for disability benefits?

The answer is "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"

Social Security denies about 66% of all disability applications, yet almost half of these denied claims are eventually approved. Read that sentence again so you understand.

At the initial application level, disability claims adjusters (called “adjudicators”) are looking for very specific language in your medical records. If that language is not there, or if your doctors are late in sending in your medical records, the adjudicator will deny your case.

Adjudicators also regularly deny cases if you have more than one significant medical condition, or if you have an unusual illness or if you have not been out of work for a year.

This is not a knock on adjudicators - they are hardworking men and women who are overworked and underpaid - but they do not have the authority to make decisions about complicated (and often sophisticated) medical issues. And Social Security’s decision making system encourages adjudicators to stamp “denied” on cases that do not clearly show life-limiting or terminal illness cases.

The good news is that you do not need to have a terminal illness to win disability benefits. Once your case gets in front of a judge, you have a much better chance at winning than any other stage of the disability process.

But to get before a judge, you have to APPEAL your denial and not give up. The main focus of my law practice involves filing these appeals and representing my client at disability hearings.

So if you have been turned down, DO NOT DELAY - you have only 60 days to appeal.

IMPORTANT: Your 60 days may be dramatically less than you think based on postal delays, weekends, etc. Act today!


============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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