Being Prepared for Your Social Security Disability Telephone Hearing.

3 years ago

How can you best prepare for your telephone Social Security disability hearing?

Since the start of the pandemic, SSA has closed all of its hearing offices and canceled all live hearings. As of the recording of this video, all disability hearings are being held by phone or by online video.

I have had good results with phone hearings because your medical record is by far the most important factor regarding whether you win or lose.

But your testimony is also very important because it allows the judge to assess your credibility and believability and you can really help your chances of winning if you testify effectively.

In this video, I offer you five specific suggestions about how to prepare for an testify effectively at a telephone hearing.

If you and your lawyer prepare for your telephone hearing ahead of time and in a manner that addresses the unique challenges of phone hearings, you will stand apart from other disability claimants that your judge sees and improve your chances for a fully favorable decision.

If you don't yet have a lawyer and need help with your hearing (or new case)
reach out to me right now for a FREE CASE EVALUATION.


============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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