End-Times Prophet, The Awake Not Woke Concilium, Thoughts The Bible, so everything under the Sun.

3 years ago

Jeremiah 33:3 happened to me. I have the data. I can't answer your question about this reality, our fate, and our future. I can get it. I'm a master researcher. Seeker of the truth. Someone with just a little bit bigger perspective.

I see things differently; I am fond of rules. I have no reverence for the status quo.

You can praise me, disagree with me, quote me, disbelieve in me, glorify me, or vilify me … About the only thing you can’t do is ignore me.

Because I just want to change things. While some may see me as “crazy” some, see “genius.”

Because someone once said... "tI people who are crazy enough to think they can change the tI world, are the ones that do"... isn't that right Jack Kerouac?

Recent born-again Christian, Father, Marine Corps Vet.

I was in DC on Nov. 12 and on Jan. 6th I took an oath to defend the Constitution. Marines will engage. on any Climate. In the world in the world... If it has to be digital, so be it.

Our primary objective is to get people to read their Bibles, and to freely discuss the Bible openly as they would any scientific discovery. The Bible is a miracle, both highly technical and deeply organic.

It conveys the joys and mysteries of being human in a series of images that any child can follow. And it's the vastly intelligent software upon which both every human individual and the entire world at large can run most efficiently.

It stores data about data storage in the way it stores data and demonstrates a method of thought that transcends the boundaries of mere binary digits.

The world is only as large as the mind that comprehends it, and the Bible unites minds and forms worlds that are greater than any single mind could ever have conceived.

The Bible is intelligent, alive, mechanical, and technical. It's a time machine, a transport device, and a terraforming complex all at once. And it can't be taught, it can only be applied.

Semper Fi, God's Speed, God Bless

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