How do I get to Heaven? | The Gospel of Jesus Christ | How to know if I am going to Heaven or Hell

4 years ago

This is the Gospel message and I just pray that you will open your heart and let it change your life. We were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God to declare His glory and reveal His majesty. The problem is that one of the angels of God wanted to be higher than God Himself and therefore this angel was cast out of Heaven, becoming the fallen angel, or as we know him, the devil. One day in the Garden of Eden, there was Adam and Eve, the first humans and the fallen angel appeared to them in the form of a serpent and tempted them to sin against God and they did, causing mankind to fall. God was angered and He casted Adam and Eve from the garden and told the serpent that He was going to send One who would crush the serpent's head and the serpent would bruise His heel. You have to understand that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and because of that, we all deserve an eternal separation from God, which is Hell. But God loved the world so much that He became man and that Man's name was Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a perfect and sinless life by fulfilling all the requirements of the law in order to become the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He was spat on, mocked and beaten, and people even gambled over His clothes. He was whipped to the point where His flesh was torn from His body and a crown of thorns was crushed into His skull. He was then forced to carry His cross to the site where He would be nailed to it. Jesus then used His last bit of energy after hanging on the cross for several hours to say, it is finished. And then He commended the Spirit to the Father. Jesus was then buried, but three days later, He rose from the grave, conquering sin and death. Don't you see? God passed the Law that would cause the Jews to sentence His incarnate form to death. The Law was the schoolmaster to lead us to Christ and allow us to see our need for a Savior. The Law was a shadow of good things to come. The Promise came before the Law. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. This is our Savior! Now, whosoever believes in Jesus Christ as your Savior by trusting in His life, death, burial and resurrection will be saved. He will take on your sins and you will take on His imputed righteousness. This is the love of God that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Call out to Him today. Confess Him as your LORD. When you trust only in the blood of Jesus Christ to be your Salvation from sin, you will be sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise as a down payment of guarantee of eternal life until the day of deliverance. The Holy Spirit is the seed of God which is planted in you by Jesus Christ through faith in him. This is what allows you to be presented before a Holy God as blameless. The Holy Spirit then baptizes you into the body of Christ, making you part of the Ecclesia, meaning the Church or the call out ones. Your heart will be circumcised and you will be sanctified, meaning you will be set apart from your flesh. We are eternally secure in Him because He who begins a good work in us will be faithful to complete it and daily we will work out our salvation with reverent fear and rejoice with trembling, as we conform the image of Jesus Christ. We become disciples of Jesus and that discipleship journey will look different for everyone, so do not compare yourself to other Christians, but only to Jesus Christ, because He is the only standard we strive for! Repent today. That is, to turn towards Jesus. Do not let man deceive you into thinking that you must drop all your sins before you come to Jesus. Jesus wants you to come just as you are because He came to call the sinners to repentance not the righteous. Those who are given to Him by God and seek him, He shall in no way cast out. Stop clinging onto the branches of religion and instead come to know the True Vine that is Jesus Christ because without Him there is no victory, there is no deliverance and there is no healing. We can do nothing without Him. He is our savior from the penalty of sin. He is our savior from the power of sin. And eventually He will be our savior from the presence of sin. He Himself took on the penalty of your sin that you would find forgiveness and redemption from your sin today. He desires a relationship with you and Heaven is waiting to rejoice when you turn to Him! Receive the free gift of salvation today through faith in Jesus Christ and enter through the narrow Gate that leads to eternal life with your Heavenly Father. Amen.



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