The Constitutionality of Biden's Disinformation Governance Board

2 years ago

Attorneys General of 20 States recently sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security. The Attorneys General letter argues that Biden's “Disinformation Governance Board” would curtail a citizen’s right to express their opinions and disagree with the government.

The Board’s very creation is an example of federal lawlessness.

There is no statutory authority to support its inception.

The letter declares that this “…Board, by its very existence, and almost certainly by design, threatens to ‘enforce silence’ when Americans wish to express views disfavored by the Administration. It is therefore already chilling free speech. This is unconstitutional, illegal, and un-American."

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge of Arkansas is joined by AGs from 20 states. Noticeably absent from that list is the Attorney General of Maryland.

I want the citizens of Maryland to know that, if elected, I would vigorously work to dismantle and to destroy any attempt to silence the voices of Americans or to in anyway chill the exercise of free speech.

By authority Patriots for Michael Anthony Peroutka. Louis P. Reeder, treasurer

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