Going Across the Sea - Traditional Folk Song - Mountain Banjo

2 years ago

Going Across The Sea is a old time traditional folk song that I sing and play on the mountain banjo, clawhammer style after a short intro. The unfinished woodcarving you see is one I recently did. It appears to move on it`s own toward the end of the video because one of my Cats was rubbing up against the table.

Going Across The Sea - lyrics
Clawhammer banjo in standard tuning only a lot lower.

I’m going across the sea stay forever more
Left my little darlin’ standing in the door
Won’t you come and go come and go with me
Fly to me my pretty little Miss I’m going across the sea

Wind is howling low wind is howling high
Come with me my pretty little love ’til the day I die.
Won’t you come and go come and go with me
Fly to me my pretty little Miss I’m going across the sea.

Wouldn’t you give a nickel wouldn’t you give a dime
Wouldn’t you give one dollar bill to call your name as mine?
Won’t you come and go come and go with me
Fly to me my pretty little Miss I’m going across the sea.

Dinah oh dear Dinah what makes your face so red
Working out in the crops sun fever in my head
Won’t you come and go come and go with me
Fly to me my pretty little Miss I’m going across the sea.

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