What is it Like to be the Family Member of Someone who Transitions? | Maria Polaris | Dr. J Show 72

4 years ago

Maria Polaris (not her real name) and her husband’s lives were turned upside down when their daughter ran away from home after her first year of college in 2015. Someone they didn’t know picked up their daughter and helped her attempt to change sex.

"Since then," Maria says, "our family has had to find ways to cope, because once a child is 18, they can do whatever they want in the U.S. including, full medical transition without psychological assessments. This has led to regret and grave errors in the medical community. Ohio has six major gender clinics with the largest one boasting over 1600 patients (funded by a family in the process of transitioning their own child since age 3)."

Maria is now part of a support group for parents of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria. They are also active advocates for more humane, evidence-based public policy in the area of gender identity.

No one is "Born in the Wrong Body."

Previously it was nearly exclusively older males that wanted to "transition" to female. Now there’s a huge number of young girls, mostly teenage girls -- a 5,000% increase. Even Catholic schools that have these "Spectrum Clubs." PHLAG (" Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays," with over 400 chapters and 200,000 members and supporters), and GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) are culprits offering money to schools to get their resources in the school.

Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine:

Parents of ROGD kids (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria)

Lisa Littman's research:

Third Way Trans:

Soon to be launched Cardinal Support Network

Ohio bill: The Vulnerable Child Protection Act

The Kelsey Coalition:

Lisa Littman report on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria:

A new provider group that picks apart the medical studies and correct others

Suicide Myth handout:

Dysphoric: A Four-Part Documentary

A Transgender Child: Schools and Safeguarding

Gender HQ (liberal):

Transgender Trend (liberal):

Contact our interviewee:

1. Look at your school's website and look at its clubs. Question teachers – especially the English teachers what they think about the gender ideology. Get on the school board and get to know them well. Ask the principal if there is an LGBT club of any sort. If there’s a club, there’s a teacher activist behind it.

2. Contact your local doctor and ask them to be part of the www.segm.org network. They need to get involved or soon, they will be forced to participate in medical malpractice.

3. Find out what legislation is happening in your town, city, and state. Is there a conversion therapy bill with gender identity in it? Write letters as constituents and call them up. Tell them they need to stop supporting this.

4. Stay away from gender clinics. The "First Do No Harm" approach has been lost in the money to be made.

5. Law firms should put out nets and advertise in counties of gender clinics. The abuse is there, they need to collect those harmed and begin class action lawsuits. The facts are on their side because none of these treatments are approved by the FDA.

6. Talk to your local school and ask them what their policy is. If they are offering “comprehensive sex education”, gender identity is part of this. Ask for a meeting with the school board about this.

7. Read Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier. There are many parents out there like us who are just being silenced by the media.


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