Enneagram and Contemplative Spirituality, Trojan Horses to Anti-Christian Perennial Wisdom

4 years ago

Contemplative spirituality and the enneagram lead to a drift from essential Christian doctrines. Those who engage in contemplative prayer tend to lose their desire to study the Bible and begin to accept pagan perennialism. Experiences during contemplative prayer appear to confirm other occult doctrines, such as monism, that all is one, and non duality, that God is separate from His creation.

The idea that our true self has always been with God and is divine is a subtle twist of the serpent's lie in the Garden of Eden. Mystics promote the idea that our true self isn’t separated from God because of sin, which makes penal substitution unnecessary. The eastern belief that our personality is a false self that needs to be eliminated through eastern meditation and/or contemplative prayer is accepted. Mystics begin to believe everyone can get to heaven whether they believe in Jesus or not, so therefore, evangelism to the Christian faith is unnecessary.

Marcia's testimony with Doreen Virtue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZH41BIL2tg

Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret at Christian Book Distributors: https://www.christianbook.com/richard-rohr-and-the-enneagram-secret/don-veinot/9781098306540/pd/306544?product_redirect=1&search_term=richard%20rohr%20and%20the%20&Ntt=306544&item_code=&ps_exit=PRODUCT&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP

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