#CinePro4K #Birds #Sunset

4 years ago

#CinePro4K #Birds #Sunset #2.7K
Switched my HD cam from 1080 to 2.7K but it seems dark. There are a couple places where I warmed it up but think I should have left the brightness alone and just added temperature. It just seems to fuzz up the picture, let me know, you can definitely tell when I mess with it.
I think my camera settings need to be adjusted actually. The FPV feed was much more colorful.
Music from the You Tube Library:
Theatre Days - Slenderbeats
If you get a wild hair and feel like donating to my channel, the link is included here.
Soon there will be "Love my Drones and sailing"! Prindle 18 Catamaran that needs some TLC!
#Love my Drones #FPV #FrSky #Taranis QX-7 #FXT Technology

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