Why Catholics Flee Catholicism in Latin America? Liberation Theology, What Is It and Why It's Wrong!

2 years ago

Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church
Description of the book:
With Pope Francis, liberation theology is back with a vengeance after three decades of laying low. Thus, many Catholics are unaware of the threat posed by this false religion hijacking the two-thousand-year-old Roman Catholic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The promoters of this total revolution do not seek to reform the Church but to reinvent it, transforming it into a modernist, synodal, communist, anarchic, tribal, and pantheistic church. That is why Catholics must understand what liberation theology is and wants. Abundantly documented, this book exposes their radical and subversive goals.

Author Julio Loredo de Izcue has studied liberation theology for forty years. His piercing analysis and accessible way of writing help clergy and laity understand the threat and take action against it. This book is a must-read for those who wish to defend Holy Mother Church today.


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