Benfica's Vitoria Injures Foot After Scoring #femalesportsheroes #ncaawomensoccer #ankleinjury

2 years ago

#femalesportsheroes #ncaawomensoccer #ankleinjury #uswnt #laliga #womenleginjuries #womensoccerhighlights

Athletes require bravery and determination to win whenever they compete. A strong will to win is extremely important especially when faced with rough tackles. Getting injured is part and parcel of every sport especially with a physical sport like soccer. It is the players’ level of resilience that will get them back on their feet, no matter how great the pain may be. Many heroes insist on playing on as long as the pain allows them to continue. Some wait until half time before getting their injury looked at. Benfica’s forward Vitoria’s resilience allowed her to continue for some time before she succumbed to her foot injury. She had to get immediate attention on the field even if it meant removing her sock.

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