Relaxing into the Highest Vibration & Effortless Home (Mastering the I AM Series)

3 years ago

Weekly LIVE Group Satsang Meetings in the NOW:

The path is a movement inward – it is transcendental. We need to apply effort to balance and counterbalance the distortions and the conditioning of the mind. However, no effort is needed to deepen into your natural BEING. The mind keeps itself busy by engaging in hard work ignoring that which is already present and available right here and now.

Recognize the value of BEING, the I AM! When you stay in this deeper place, the place of I AM something starts to change. Your mind will start realigning and recognizing that no matter what it does the I AM is deeper and beyond actions. The longer you start abiding in your natural being, you will start maturing. When you abide in the I AM for longer periods of time, you will need to start negotiating with your mind about what is really valuable to you. You will eventually recognize the never-ending cycle of chasing after desires. The only way out of the rat race is to arrive at something fundamental which is right here and now, and it does not require effort. Abide in your being and patiently observe the processes of maturing. You will inevitably arrive at a deeper place. High vibration is not intensity, pressure, or a contraction, it is a capacity to allow energy to flow through you. Relaxation plays an essential role in your journey back to yourself as you align with the source within you. The heart on the right is the seat of consciousness. It is the place where source energy flows through you. It needs to be relaxed and your energy system needs to be relaxed too. Relax, reopen and allow your capacity to grow in order to eventually sustain all that is.


Mindo is an enlightened teacher helping others to reach Non-Duality, Enlightenment, and Full Consciousness. Mindo has helped over 550 people raise their Levels of Consciousness and discover their Highest True Potential, Freedom, and Power.

There are now 20 Enlightenment Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Skype or Zoom:

Mindo offers a clear insight into the Enlightenment, Spiritual Openings, and Levels of Consciousness (LOC), helping to support you through every aspect of the spiritual journey and the process of awakening.

Mindo delivers the Full Consciousness Transmissions and holds weekly Satsangs, Meditation Meetings, Workshops, and International Retreats.

For more information about these teachings, to receive your Full Consciousness Transmission session via Skype or Zoom, for upcoming workshops and local and international retreats, please visit

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