20 Best Short DINOSAUR Funny Dad JOKES !

2 years ago

#dadjokes #dinosaurs #jokes

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1. What do you get if a dinosaur kicks you in the bum?
2. What did the dinosaur call her clothes business?
Try Sarah’s Tops!
3. What do you call a group of dinosaurs who sing songs?
A tyranno chorus.
4. What do you call a dinosaur who’s hiding from the police?
Do you think he saurus.
5. What do you call an elderly dinosaur?
My back is saurus.
6. What do you say when a dinosaur farts?
That's a blast from the past!
7. Why can't dinosaurs talk?
Because they're all dead.
8. Which dinosaur does the government of China hate?
9. Why can’t you hear a Pterodactyl in the toilet?
Because the pee is silent!
10. Which dinosaur wears glasses?
Tyrannosaurus specs.
11. Why should you never get into a fight with a dinosaur?
Because you'll get jurass kicked.
12. What do you call a very ugly dinosaur?
An eyesaur.
13. What did the dinosaur use on his steak?
14. What happens when you cross a dinosaur with a firework?
15. Why did the dinosaur have a shower?
To become ex-stinked!
16. What do you find on a dinosaur's kitchen floor?
Rep tiles!
17. What do you call baby dinosaurs?
18. What do you get when you cross a dinosaur and a pig ?
Jurassic Pork.
19. Why did the dinosaur wear a plaster?
A. Because he had a dino-SORE!
20. Where does a dinosaur go on holiday?
A Dino-Tour

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