House & Apartment Vocabulary-Learn +50 words in Argentinean Spanish with pronunciation and subtitles

4 years ago

This list of words contains the most common words related to a house or apartment, including rooms and features.

Each word appears with a picture, with a pronunciation in IPA and spoken twice.
All pronunciations belong to the Spanish spoken in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Also you can find subtitles for several languages.

If you want subtitles in your language, or if we missed any translations, let us know in the comments. Also we want to know your ideas for new lessons.

Word Details

f: Feminine
m: Masculine
s: Singular
p: Plural

List of words / Listado de Palabras

00:21 casa: home
00:25 hogar: home
00:29 piso: storey
00:33 pared: wall
00:37 techo: roof
00:41 tejado: rooftop
00:45 puerta: gate,door
00:49 ventana: window
00:53 escalera: stairway
00:57 dormitorio: bedroom,room
01:01 cuarto: bedroom,room
01:05 habitación: bedroom,room
01:09 pieza: bedroom
01:13 comedor: dining room
01:17 salón: living room
01:21 sala de estar: living room
01:25 cocina: kitchen
01:29 baño: bathroom
01:33 vestidor: toilet
01:37 corredor: corridor
01:41 pasillo: hall
01:45 jardín: garden
01:49 invernadero: conservatory
01:53 biblioteca: library
01:57 ático: attic
02:01 sótano: cellar,basement
02:05 bodega: wine cellar
02:09 galpón: shed
02:13 portón: gate,door
02:17 patio: patio
02:21 pileta de natación: swimming pool
02:25 toldo: awning
02:29 cerca: fence
02:33 valla: fence
02:37 ladrillo: brick
02:41 alfombra: rug
02:45 tapete: rug
02:49 concreto: concrete
02:53 hormigón: concrete
02:57 cimiento: foundation
03:01 chimenea: chimney
03:05 acondicionador de aire: air conditioner
03:09 aire acondicionado: air conditioner
03:13 calefón: boiler
03:17 termotanque: boiler
03:21 calentador: hot water heater
03:25 edificio: building
03:29 departamento: apartment
03:33 planta: floor
03:37 ascensor: lift
03:41 entrada principal: front door
03:45 entrada de servicio: back door
03:49 puerta de atrás: back door
03:53 puerta de servicio: back door

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