Response to David Wood | Where did Jesus say, "I am God"?

4 years ago

#Jesus #DeityofChrist #DavidWood

This is a response to David Wood's video entitled, "Where did Jesus say, 'I am God, worship me'?"

Farhan Iqbal and Shahrukh Abid discuss the various quotations from the Bible that are presented to make the case for the Deity of Jesus Christ.

According to both the Bible and the Quran, the language used for Prophets of God refers to their special relationship with God. This is because Prophets are manifestations of Divine attributes. They come to this world to do God's work.

Comparing the language used in the Bible for the Prophets of God with the language used regarding Jesus, we come to the conclusion that there is not much difference. Why does the use of the same language make Jesus God but not any of the past Prophets like Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc.?

We directly respond in this video to quotations from the Bible that David Wood brings up in order to prove the deity of Jesus Christ.

1:23 - Introduction to David Wood
4:05 - Initial thoughts on “I am God, worship me”
10:09 - The “I am” statements of Jesus
15:35 - Prophets are Manifestations of Divine attributes
25:35 - Promised Messiah's (as) challenge
27:30 - Why does Allah speak to his chosen servants in special ways?
34:57 - Christians are not united when it comes to the Divinity of Jesus

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