23 benefits of 1 meal a day

2 years ago

The 23 benefits of OMAD (One Meal a Day) Intermittent Fasting. Here are the benefits:

1. Save lots of money
2. Saves lots of time
3. Improves digestion
4. Improves immunity
5. Massive autophagy
6. Live longer
7. No hunger
8. No more cravings
9. Better skin
10. Increased energy
11. Increased mood
12. Increased cognitive function
13. Decreased inflammation
14. Decreased blood pressure
15. Decreased heart disease
16. Decreased dementia
17. Decrease in risk of diabetes and insulin resistance
18. Decrease in getting a fatty liver
19. Turning your body into a fat burning machine (esp. losing belly fat)
20. Helps discipline
21. Improves your muscles
22. Fixes a slow metabolism
23. Mental clarity

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