Is ‘Christian Nationalism’ Threatening American Democracy?

2 years ago

[00:30] Christian Nationalism (12 minutes)

With all of the problems facing the United States today, the Associated Press is sounding the alarm about the rise of “Christian nationalism.” According to the AP, “Christian nationalism … is often accompanied by a belief that God has destined America, like the biblical Israel, for a special role in history, and that it will receive divine blessing or judgment depending on its obedience.” This, the AP intoned, poses a “threat to democracy.”

[12:35] Donald Trump’s Wyoming Rally (11 minutes)

During his rally in Wyoming—attended by nearly 10,000 people—Donald Trump said that the greatest danger to the United States is coming not from without the country, but from “the sick people within.” As many of our listeners know, the late Herbert W. Armstrong often wrote about the Communist infiltration in the United States. He was right.

[23:05] Mo Brooks Drops 2,000 Mules Bomb on Fox News (10 minutes)

Republican Senator Mo Brooks was interviewed yesterday by Fox News anchor Sandra Smith, and when Smith claimed there was “no evidence or proof” of an election steal in 2020, Brooks fired back: “That is absolutely false. … You haven’t done your homework.” Yet another example of Fox News covering up the election steal.

[33:10] Bible Study: Grow and Bring Forth Fruit (21 minutes)

In this segment, we continue our study from last week on spiritual growth: how we must sow good seeds that produce much fruit to the glory and honor of God.

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