STOCKS CRASHING 90%, BITCOIN & CRYPTOCURRENCY TOO! says Harry Dent. I think not, for money printing.

4 years ago

Go to, pays 40% APR on avg and could change your life! Serious go now. Here's a 4k audio fixed version of my livestream with Harry Dent who's been predicting a crash for a good long while. I think the USD money printer has been reducing normal dip depth and length, and thus it's unwise to wait for historically large dips. Look at the chart of nearly anything, they all go up and to the right. I mean the entire global economy is wrecked, and the charts are still making new all time highs. Money printing is what it is. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. The market can stay rational longer than you can stay solvent being short it. *Timestamps*
00:00 Intro / Stocks / Great Depression
00:56 Harry Dent’s Self-Introduction (
05:15 Harry’s Predictions / Inflation
06:46 Bitcoin / Safe Havens / Digitization Of Financial Assets
09:36 Financial Cycles / Super-Cycles / Bears
10:45 Bitcoin Backing / Gold
12:00 Warren Buffett
13:00 Pretending To Add Value / Insurance Industry
14:16 System Efficiency / Active vs. Passive Management / Economists
15:19 Helicopter Money / M2 Inflation / Rich Getting Richer
16:46 Money Velocity / Interest Rates / Negative Rates
18:24 Central Banks / Hidden Upsides To Manipulation
19:28 Bubbles Not Bursting / Warren Buffett Indicator
20:33 Perspective / Success & Complacency
21:10 Bitcoin Bubble / Richard’s BTC History / US Dollar
22:33 Real Assets vs. Fake Financial Assets
23:28 Two Options: Complain Or Taking Advantage Of System
24:04 *Harry And Richard Make A Bet*
25:37 Being Short vs. Long
26:27 Treasury Bonds (30-year) / US Dollar
29:03 Should Money-Printing Stop? / Harry’s Playbook
32:55 Fractal Of 2008 Dump / Richard’s Playbook
34:15 The Danger Of Shorting
35:25 Stablecoin Lending
37:39 Making 6-40% APR / Traders Getting Rekt
38:06 Lending BTC & ETH vs. Tether, USDC, DAI
39:42 Annihilated Shorts / Buying The Bottom
41:58 How To Buy Stablecoins / Amazon Stock
43:05 Product-Market Fit / Shaken Down To Success / S-Curves
43:55 Facebook Breaking S-Curves / Second-mover Advantage
44:19 Hex: Second-mover Advantage Over BTC
44:45 Impatient Pay The Patient / Hex vs. Treasury Bonds
45:38 Hex Modeled After Bank CDs / Hex’s Inflation
47:13 Stakers Make ~38% APY / Buy & Hold
48:14 Proof Of Hold Vs. Proof Of Waste
48:56 Hex Performance Vs. BTC
49:25 Money Printing - How Long Can It Last? / When Crash?
51:15 Confusing Brains For A Bull Market
52:49 Absurdity Of Markets / Narratives & Clickbait
54:42 Buying The Crash / Historical Money Printing Mindset
56:30 Harry vs. Richard Bet Parameters / Diminishing Returns
56:51 GME Stock / Bubbles & Crashes / New Lows?
01:00:18 Productive Investments / Companies Overvalued In Dollars
01:02:22 Choosing Your Numeraire
01:03:16 Outpacing Inflation / Fake Gains
01:05:58 Weimar, Germany / Systematic Failures
01:06:37 Harry vs. Richard Bet Terms
01:09:15 Puerto Rico
01:09:53 Drug Addiction Cycles / Parabolas & Money-Printing
01:10:52 Conclusion

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