LIVE: Numbers chapter 30: Vows: Wife, Father, and Spouse. (Hold me now)

2 years ago

Numbers chapter 30: Vows: Wife, Father, and Spouse. (Hold me now)
What to expect this lesson?
This Lesson will be a review HaShem’s Commandments of Vows. The vows or promises or contracts or agreements that we make as HaShem’s Children reflect in a way HIM. Yes, But also reflect more how serious we take or relationship with HIM.

For example, if a person does not Truly Fear HaShem Blessed be HE…they might make promises they never intend to keep and harm others while claiming to be in the service of Blessed be HE HaShem. I call those places or people workers for satan and churches or synagogue of satan. For the record any place that supports any thing against HaShem Blessed be HE and HIS Word… is of satan and not of HaShem. It does not matter what outfit, look , age, or uniform they as an individual or collective are wearing. satan has actors and impersonators every where not just in movies… remember that.

Moving on, G-D always order woman to be protect and valued.
Moving on, for those who has been incorrectly told that YAHWEH or the Ancient Hebrews mistreated or thought of woman as less than a man….. that is completely fake, phony, and false. In fact, GOD’s Laws are to protect one another and treat others with Love and Respect, but especially in written YAHWEH Blessed be HE ; orders woman and children to be protected, provided for, and supported.

Some might look at HaShem’s Order and Command in the times of today the 21st century, with the feminist lens. But, we have to look at the Commands as HaShem Blessed be HE, Our Father as Our Protector and Savior and Creator; in 1st century terms.

Adonai Blessed be HE, was providing an example of supreme protection over the Nation of Israel from the womb. If a Woman of Israel, was being held under the yoke of an emotional or let’s be honest…irrational laps in judgement.. the Israel Nation as a whole would suffer.

Some beg to differ…. well, look at the world affairs today.

Evil target Woman and therefore target children and therefore target families, which if the family structure is weak within a Nation the whole Nation falls.

They want woman to be murders of babies, whores, angry, man haters, and sex instruments… to name a few. The world system does not embrace and protect woman as ABBA Blessed be HE, Our Father originally intended.

This lesson will focus on addressing GOD’s original intention of protecting the woman… children…and family….. thus enabling the Nation and therefore world to bring Heaven down to Earth.


This Leads us to why are there so many Biblical Feast and how the Biblical Feast confirm our covenants with Our Father in Heaven…….

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Marie Speaks GOD’s Grace
1. This BLOG post will have the resources and sources links for the Season 4 Bible Studies .

2. All Books used and Readings from during Live Bible Study can be found on Our Website: the Season 4 portion of the website.

3. After Live Bible Studies have completed: I will upload to Rumble , and post link in this BLOG.

How we conduct Bible Studies here:
We believe GOD has called each of us to search matters out.

(The glorie of God is to conceale a thing secret: but the Kings honour is to search out a thing. Proverbs 25:2)

This is one reason why here at Marie Speaks GOD’s Grace Bible Study we review several historical references and resources, of which we provide links and or screen shots for others to study at their leisure.

We have been directed by GOD Almighty, to go Book by Book, Verse by Verse; sharing HIS GOoD News.

We believe as directed by GOD Our Heavenly Father, learning and growing in CHRIST shall only be achieved in reading, studying, and sharing HIS Word for ourselves; not relying on man.

(Luke 9 1 Then [a]called he his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to heal diseases.2 And he sent them forth to preach the kingdom of God, and to cure the sick.) (Matthew 24 4And Iesus answered, and sayd vnto them, Take heede that no man deceiue you. 5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceiue many.)

Learning, growing, and studying with OUR LORD is to be done with others that are like minded, but more so during our personal time.

(Matthew 6:6 But when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber and when thou hast shut thy doore, pray vnto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall rewarde thee openly.0

The BLOGs are written to assist those just beginning to study the BIBLE as a starting point. The Live or r…

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