Big Tech Puppet Masters!

3 years ago

Facebook has returned the news to Australia. I am not sure if this is a good outcome or not, but one thing is clear, they have way too much power if they can hold a country hostage.

Arguments continue over the stimulus bill. I really thought this had been resolved back when Donald Trump was still president. It seems it is slowly being reduced, and now the conservatives are supposedly pushing back. When I hear quotes about “dolling out” money, and “convicted felons” getting paid, I just want to turn off the screen. Its all just theatre. None of them care what is happening in this country. The arguments that go back and forth are basically rehearsed.

I also want to touch a bit on this part about convicted felons getting COVID money. I feel that if a person has paid their debt to society, they should be free of whatever it is. I have never understood why their past has to follow them around for the rest of their lives. The very fact that the felony conviction still follows them after they have paid the fines and done the time, is the very reason they have to rely on the government “dolling out” money. Im not sure how all of you feel, but I just thought I would throw that in here.

Now on to news from China. My brother in law has just been put in charge of a new location for the shipping company he has been working for. His boss created the company not long ago, and it is growing rapidly. I am very happy to hear how well they are doing, but I wonder how everyone watching will feel to know that while our economy is crashing, China is taking off like a rocket. Shipping companies don’t grow unless commerce is taking place. Our political class are forcing us to commit economic suicide. China reached a point where they realized the lockdowns would cause damage, and just opened up. In our case the government seems to be addicted to the pain being caused. This is absolutely insane, and I just cannot understand why it is happening. In the end, the very people causing the damage will be damaged by it.

I completely understand the large corporations attitude. They do not see themselves as “American” companies. They see themselves as international companies. They don’t care about you and I. They see the US market as going down, while the China market is taking off. They have abandoned us for China. We have to wake up to what is happening before it is too late. We have to restore our freedoms so we can begin to rebuild what these creeps in the government have destroyed.

I also want to shout out to Southern Boy Prepper, a friend to this channel. Be sure to check him out. Many watching found this channel through him, but for those who haven’t seen it, go check it out. I also want to recommend you check out Lone Star Pioneering. These channels feature real people, and real information, not the garbage fed to us by cable news.

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