ABSOLUTE SHOCK! What a TikTok Priest says about ABORTION + Christian TikTok is 💩

2 years ago

(Original Title)Priest Says Abortion is Biblical - Christian TikTok is 💩
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On this channel, I believe(and try to show) that religion is the big deception and that the Word of God (as a whole) is our true reality. So when you worship other gods and not our father, you are worshipping the religions of this world. Thank you for watching! Please subscribe!


You absolutely cannot call yourself a pastor of any church that supports abortion. Why, because abortion is an abomination.

Unfortunately, some pastors feel like their social media woke-ness will put green-backs in their cyber-web's unholy collection-plate. According to the handle @pastormattchat, "The Bible upholds abortion. See numbers 5:11-31. There, abortion was prescribed by men. It was not the woman's choice."

Regardless of his choice in outfits or how much product Lurch here puts in his hair, the Bible does NOT support abortion in the verses in Numbers 5.
Lets take a closer look and see if this guy ever blinks while we read

Numbers 5:11-31
Numbers 5:11-...
11 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, ...
"Moses! These verses are too long, they might confuse people later"

Verses 11-31 are describing the unfortunate event of jealousy in a relationship. In this case, the woman is being accused because the man gets a spirit of jealousy and feels as if there may be a possibility his wife was unfaithful. Like most good Christians of Moses' time, they took it to the Creator. They took their marital problem to our father for reconciliation.

Numbers 5:11-31 Is the process in which GOD, not man, would determine the outcome. The process is simply an offering and drink. The drink in this case is holy water and dirt from the floor of the tabernacle. If the woman was guilty, her belly would swell and her thigh will rot. If the woman was not guilty then nothing would happen and she would be free from the curse.

The curse is translated as oath when describing what the priest is asking of the woman. He's asking her to essentially vow an oath on her innocence or be cursed among the people.

The curse causing the thigh to rot is only mentioned here in Numbers 5. The context in these verses show the difference between what happens when a woman is free from the curse and when she is under the curse.

When she is free from the curse, she is able to bare seed.
Therefore, the the bitter water causes a woman's thigh to NOT bare seed or rot. It does NOT however state that an abortion was performed nor does it state that any man was in control of the destiny of this woman or this woman's womb.

Some translations try to use the word miscarries but word in question, THIGH, is referenced in relation to thigh region not the womb because the belly swelling would reference the womb

The real curse in Numbers 5 would be the embarrassment that all of the dudes in Aaron's family now know you cheated on your hubby. Its a family dispute that the town would know about.

This would mean that braking a commandment like adultery would first need faith in God through a mediator like Aaron to receive forgiveness.
Then she would be expected to continue NOT breaking the commandments. Just like we are expected now with Yeshuah as our mediator.

Never is man in control of a woman's body in the Bible. The reason the pastor in this video is vastly confused is because he's tryna mansplain the Word of God.

I'll help this guy out explain what abortion is in the Bible.

Proverbs Chapter 6
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

#abortion #tiktok #bible

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