The Most Comfortable Muffs I've Used! Axil TRACKR Electronic Muffs Review

4 years ago

Get your Axil TRACKRs here!-

Simply put, these are the most comfortable electronic muffs I have used to date, and their sound clarity is unparalleled. Decibel reduction rating is 25 decibels. Hearing protection is VITAL for enjoying the shooting sports for years to come. Take steps NOW to prevent hearing damage.

Further Specs-
-Smooth, clear hearing enhancement sound quality
-40 dB Gain/Amplification
-Autoblocker Technology shuts off all sounds over 85 dB
-25 dB NRR- Hearing Protection
-Reduces Wind Noise
-Sweat & Water Resistant
-Sound Activated Compression – 0.02 second reaction time

All firearms handling, shooting, and demonstration is done on my private firing range on my property. All shooting is done in a safe and controlled environment, and whilst promoting safety and responsibility.

A huge shout out and thank you to my generous Patreon supporters and channel members who help me do this and whose contributions help with things like memory cards, reloading components so I can keep testing gear, as well as other production costs. I can not thank you enough! If you are interested in becoming a Patron, here is the link:

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