David vs Goliath - JESUS vs Gog - The Redeemer will take away the reproach PART 1

2 years ago

This study finds all of the golden nuggets of understanding available in 1 Sam 17, 1 Sam 30, Rev 16, Isa 10, Ezek 4, Zech 14 and Daniel 12. This study will be in multiple parts. Once you spend time with me searching these passages you will have a much greater understanding to why Jesus said in Rev 16:15 that He is coming like a thief and why gog of magog will present himself to Jesus' Bride for around 40 days during the 2nd phase of the coming Siege of Jerusalem aka the Bowls of Wrath. Gog will shake his fist at the mortal part of the Bride of Christ at his base in Nob, Israel just north of the Mount of Olives.
Here is the link to my share page at KeepandShare.com where I have created and published over 750 short studies on the last days for you: https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/show.php?i=2617550&sh=n

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