GOP Degradation Of Entire US Legal Structure Will Hurt Every American

2 years ago

For too long the left ignored the judiciary. Now those chickens are coming home to roost, and there's really nothing we can do to stop it.

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12 years we've been doing the show and one of the sorts of primary themes that we've been hitting on the show is the importance of the judiciary. And it is hard to express the level of neglect that democrats leftists you know progressives liberals have exhibited towards the courts. in some instances that neglect has been active and hostile to any message about the courts. I've had ding dongs on here who are like blah blah blah you know Michigan moon falling into the lake and this and that. and every and I've also had people who've said like you know f the courts. we don't need them. and it's like well that's true but they exist. and the ability of our government to do anything which we think is of value is on the precipice of being torn down. and I honestly don't know what the solution is to how you stop this other than you know to begin committed to at least making people understand these things. and there needs to be a serious mechanism not just within democratic circles but on the left to you know have limited tests for liberal supreme liberal court appointees judges etc. there's no discipline. we're not even but we're not even at the point where people understand I can tell you that right now that no one who doesn't work in finance is going to be aware of the implications of these sec rulings. no one who doesn't work in environmental protection is going to be aware of the fact that at one point the EPA can't make sure that your water is clean. the way that you're going to find out is five years down the road we're going to see a higher rate of cancer. or we're going to see a higher rate of a certain disease. people who live in certain areas. and it's going to take another five or ten years of people to put that together. you're gonna see two kids die because of the the the formula what you're gonna see five years down the road it's just yeah several hundred kids a year die from it. also, more people get sick with food poisoning. I mean this is what this is the way it will go. and it'll be very hard to communicate like These things are not just random acts. These things are no coincidences. This is a concerted effort to allow corporations and money to essentially privatize their profits. and socialize the costs. and the way that they socialize the cost they spread it out in such a way that you can't see it. It is a hidden fee that you are paying in misery in lack of health in shortened lifespans and probably costs money too associated with all that.

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