Memory of the Blood - ROBERT SEPEHR

2 years ago

According to Carl Jung, who created the field of analytical psychology, we all have an individual subconscious mind, but we each also have access to a greater collective unconscious, which includes our ancestors and Blood memory is one part of, or one way of accessing a part of, the collective unconscious. The entirety of the collective unconscious includes all thoughts, feelings, and wisdom of all people who have ever lived. Blood memory is the thoughts, feelings, and wisdom of the ancestors of one's own specific culture, totem, clan or race.

Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author
(books also available through other book outlets)

The collective unconscious is allegedly available to each of us, each living person. Our individual ability to access it depends on our belief system. Those who believe it does not exist have no regular contact with it. Those who believe in blood memory seemingly use that to access part, and perhaps eventually all, of the collective unconscious. Those who have other belief systems likely have other ways to access our shared cultural and universal wisdom.

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