The Weekly Energy Foresight for May 30 - June 05, 2022

2 years ago

Tarot Cards:
May - The Green Witch Tarot
by: Ann Moura
artwork by: Kiri Ostergaard Leonard
June - Angels Tarot
by: Radleigh Valentine
Oracle Cards:
Angels & Ancestors
by: Kyle Gray
May 30 - June 05, 2022
Four Of Water (Chalices/Cups)
You're missing the obvious - It's right there - Can't you see it
These are some of the messages your Guides are sending you this week
You may be so focused on something else, such as what you don't have or what you don't see, that you are missing the forest through the trees, as they say
Take a moment to re-evaluate (yes, we are still in Mercury Retrograde this week, even if it goes direct on the 3rd, you still have the 'shadow' to contend with) how you 'see' things.
What you are seeking, is seeking you!
The kicker here is that what you are seeking is already right in your sphere... turn around, I bet you'll be blindsided by it - bamo!
Mid-Week ~ 30-02
End-Week ~ 02-05
Shield Maiden
30 - National Memorial Day
- National Creativity Day
- National Hole in My Bucket Day
- National Water a Flower Day
- Reconciliation Day: AUS
- Loomis Day
- 🌚 New Moon
31 - National Smile Day
- National Speak in Sentences Day
- National Save Your Hearing Day
- International Flight Attendant Day
- World No Tabacco Day
- World Parrot Day
- Autonomous Vehicle Day
- 🌒 Waxing Moon
01 - National Go Barefoot Day
- National Nail Polish Day
- National Say SOmething Noce Day
- World Reef Awareness Day
- World Parents Day
- World Milk Day
02 - National Leave the Office Early Day
03 - National Egg Day
- National Doughnut Day
- World Bicycle Day
- Mercury Goes Direct
04 - National Hug Your Cat Day
- National Black Bear Day
- National Trails Day
- National Clean Beauty Day
- Shavuot Eve
05 - National Cancer Survivors Day
- National Veggie Burger Day
- National Gingerbread Day
- World Environment Day
- International Day for the Fight Against Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated Fishing
- Shavuot
- Pentecost
🎶 Envato, Kevin MacLeod , iMovie Royalty Free Audio/Visuals, & Wondershare Filmora Royalty Free Audio/Visuals

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