High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were the Days | Tuesday, January 11th 1977

4 years ago

BATTLE OF THE BANDS (7-30-49) "Excur-
sions in Modern Music" with Charlie Barnett vs.
Woody Herman in a Music Contest. Stank Kenton
is referee. (45 min)

CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT (1-4-40) Midnight's
prisoner! (15 min)

000 - Start Chuck Schaden
005 - "I Love Coffee" - The Ink Spots
046 - Start Battle of the Bands
"Bop City" - Charlie Barnet
"How High The Moon" - Woody Herman
345 - End Battle of the Bands
406 - Start Legend of Eddie Cantor
759 - End Legend of Eddie Cantor
773 - Start Captain Midnight
915 - End Captain Midnight
920 - End Chuck Schaden

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