Just Talkin' From The Clouds Above Cannabis News Now

2 years ago

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Welcome back everyone thanks for joining me today, it's been on my mind lately the fact that the medicine part from cannabis has been stripped and in it's place THC levels have been enhanced.

I thought hey maybe I'll find some info online some studies or research, something but sadly nothing was found. I did come across what I believe to be old info published by a government site relating to substance abuse. It outlined the dangers of consuming cannabis and some of the things mentioned in that article are now having the opposite reported effect.

My thought was "this is an old article by a government site" but then the thought occurred well hey now that we've learned more about the medicinal properties of cannabis will this info be updated? My guess is probably not as it's probably a long forgotten public announcement.

Then we have the potential ban of Alt THC products that are flooding the country in every corner, the threat is real as many states have moved to ban the lot of them, in this episode I'll name the states and discuss a possible alternative that is ban proof according to one of my associates in the industry of cannabis.

All this and more in today's Daily Dose Episode, thanks so much for reading, listening and watching.

#420podcast #stonertalk #cannabisnewsnow #cannabisinfo #cannabisnews #marijuananews #weedinfo #cannabiseducation #cannabisformedicine #plantmedicines

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