2 years ago

In Episode 64, KK and Cat talk about the chaotic state of the world and how it is being manufactured so that order can come from the ensued chaos. They discuss in some detail the World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty, of which the COVID crisis paved the way for such a treaty to be implemented. Seems as if they are preparing us for world governance as the Pandemic Treaty will change sovereign nations into one cohesive body if another pandemic strikes planet Earth. With Monkey Pox looming, could this be the next big health crisis warranting the nations of the world to unite?

And if that was not enough, the strong delusion mentioned in the Bible will have people believing "a lie" because they did not have "the love of the truth that they might be saved". And what is this lie? The girls talk about how Lucifer's lie in the Garden of Eden will be recycled, but with added deceitful depth and it includes this "Dark to Light" agenda that many are promoting today. The Dark side, i.e. "The Dark Global Cabal" is being exposed, but what will rise from the ashes of it will deceive many as it will look beneficial for humanity. And who will be promoting this veritable utopia of peace, unity and sudden prosperity? The world may be shocked to find out! It seems that Hollywood and mainstream media are doing their part to prepare individuals for this experience. KK and Cat give plenty of proof that this indeed may happen soon in this compelling and detailed episode.

Article and video links must be copied and pasted into a search engine- hyperlinks do not work:

Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it (nbcnews.com)

YouTube video we mentioned at the end:

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