Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

3 years ago

People who wish to practice CBT with licensed Doctor can find a list of a professional near you at The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies ( and the Academy of Cognitive Therapy ( Anyone suffering from severe psychological distress should seek professional help.

Many therapist recommend practicing CBT at least once or twice a day. CBT takes commitment, work, and discipline.

A book that is recommended by American Mental Health Professionals for treating depression is David Burn’s Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy and Dr. Robert Leahy’s The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping you.

Several studies have also found that reading a book is an effective treatment for depression. (Anderson et al. 2005)

Categories of Distorted Automatic Thoughts is a full list from The Coddling of The American Mind by Greg Lukinaoff and Jonathan Haidt. They did a full reprint in their book from Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Second Edition, by Robert L. Leahy, Stephen J. F. Holland, and Late K McGinn.

I do want to apologize for the view on my home made flash cards. I do hope you guys can read them.
I am still new at making these and I'm still learning how to edit videos. If you have issues reading them, I have provided where you can find all this information. Also sorry Beethoven was so loud in the back. He's great.

3/1/2021 Edit: guys let me know in the comments if you can read the cards. My husband brought up that I can scan them on on our printer and upload a cleaner video. Genius right? I might do that if it’s too difficult to see the cards. I would love to make sure this information is clear to see. I think it’s so important for ladies to do this type of therapy.

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